On Wednesday we traveled from Leslie Castle to Belfast through the beautiful country side. Ireland truly is an emerald isle. We love the country side and the people who live here.
We were able to retrace the steps of John Taylor and the first missionaries to ireland. We even had the opportunity to visit the small lake where the very first person from ireland was baptized. What a wonderful experience.
It turns out the first missionaries were preaching in the cities just immediately south and west of Belfast. This is directly between the Mckenna homelands and Belfast.
We had the opportunity to stop in a town near Lisburn and visited at an information center. The woman there was very helpful and confirmed that during the series of potato famines in the 1840's that many people left all and migrated to where the work was in Belfast. She then directed us to a "linen" museum. We were able to see how this was made and also got some good additional information about when factories begin to be built which would attract people into the belfast area from the surrounding communities.
We are beginning to think seriously that the McKenna's came from this country in the 1840's and that is why we can't find any records of them in belfast prior to this. We also have a really good lead on a birth of a Hugh McKenna with parents in this country. Today's work will be to try and get as much confirming evidence as possible.
We also had the opportunity to revisit Hugh McKenna's grave. That is the picture of Todd pointing to the ground by the tree. There is no head stone. Kind of sad.
The story is beginning to take shape. We are excited and having a wonderful and safe time. Out love goes out to all of family while we are away. You have our prayers and thoughts.
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