For two days straight we have searched in PRONI (Public Record Office of Northern Ireland). The facilities are brand new and with in walking distance of down town Belfast, and within eye site of the Titanic Center. It has been very fruitful. With all discoveries there are parts that are very convincing and a few other parts that might cause one to hesitate. We have put some of the more interesting bits of "information" into new.familysearch.org and encourage your discussion. Let us know what you think.
Without revealing any thing specific, we can say that ...
Brett has mastered the maps of the city of Belfast in the 1800's, and knows everywhere the McKennas and Singletons lived. Tomorrow he will take us on a tour.
Rich and Quinn have not only exhausted the baptismal, marriage and death records from the Christ Church, and St. Anns Cathedral data bases, but in the process they have guided our discovery of hundreds of other possible relatives.
Todd has identified at least two or three new resources at the Linen Hall Library that will be helpful in pursuing the discovery of future generations.
Rich has shared with us the history of the church in Ireland, exposing how extremely lucky we are that our ancestors we ever to find the church.
Quinn ended our day by picking a record with Rich that didn,t contain what he wanted but, but added five married siblins to another line. What a way to finish.
Brett has demonstrated how to survive on the "wrong" side of the line.
The weather is truly beautiful, the people are wonderfully convivial (unless driving an automobile), and the spirit has guided us daily.
Thanks for your encouragement and prayers.
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